Chris 26th October 2020

Good morning daddy, I sadly bring you this news but I'm sure you already know Brian has left us to join you. He will be so deeply missed by everyone but we all know he is in such a better place now but it still doesn't take away the pain. Mom is taking it as well as could be expected, she was very upset about losing one of her children but then I explained to her that the child she lost was 61 years old which actually put her mind at ease a little and also knowing that he is in a far far better place than when he was when he was here with us. I look forward to the day that we all reunite again, the world is acting really crazy right now in the year 2020 I know you both are up there right now with a beer in you hands laughing at all of us and I know that brian is happy to see you after so long. Please know that I think of you all the time but I know we are here for only so long before we all eventually end up with you.. You will forever be in my thoughts and prayers and I still wait for the next round of golf that you and I play. I LOVE YOU DADDY